Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Krush-ing Valentines Day

Everybody needs somebody sometime...and on this Valentines Day, Krush needs you! Reach out and give him a hug if you see him.



bravo 10 points.....where's his ex-better half sould mate?

Chuck said...

I couldn't think of anything funny to do with the other picture. Perhaps it's just funny on it's own?

It's certainly a classic...

Chuck said...

If I keep picking on CNN, she's never going to have sex with me...

akjn westside said... certainly won't help.

akjn westside said...

MofC(kery) Review

by Gold Dust for The Daily Times, Burlington Free Press, Palm Beach Post

I have chills thinking about what's happening as I write this review of MofC’s digital online art exhibit, MoC(kery). MoC(kery) catapults the viewer into his mind: a tortured Stowe resident’s random skills and technology combined with being snowbound has spewed forth and become art. Virtual art has been created in this sick mind, manipulated mercilessly on machines, finally projected and viewed by the hungry blog posse. As I scroll through these works, a world begins to emerge, full of the artist's imaginary artifacts, imaginary world and imaginary friends. We look forward to see what simulations he has for us the in the future. Kudos.

Chuck said...

MoC doesn't take kindly to bad reviews....