Friday, February 16, 2007

Well, that explains it!

Happy Birthday Kim!

I was going to MoCasize Kim Jong-il's picture, but really, isn't he funny enough already?

St Paddy's - right around the corner

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I borrowed this one from John Debella's page on the WMGK website, I love it. It's the only non-MoC here but I couldn't pass it up. Plus if I was good enough I would have done it myself...

My new movie

I've got a new movie coming out, perhaps you've heard about it? It's about a guy who refuses to grow up and moves in with some of his married friends. It's called You, Me and Beebe...

Valentines 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Krush-ing Valentines Day

Everybody needs somebody sometime...and on this Valentines Day, Krush needs you! Reach out and give him a hug if you see him.

Charlie and his little redhaired girlfriend

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A short time later

Don't worry about MoC kids. It only took the wisdom of 1 of my 4 wise teeth to come up with this slight modification to the Mr.Coffee.

The world is in order again.

Inside MoC's head

Did you ever have one of those days? The engine just won't start.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Hari, you've been MoCasized

Exclusive to the GoMoc!

This never before seen photo is available exclusively to members of the Gallery of Moc. Seen here for the first time, MoC himself getting thumped by Andre the Giant, in MoC's hometown of Media no embarrassing.

Pre-Body Wax

Tico Times

Rough Draft

This is a rough draft paint version of the logo I want to use for my website, but it gives you a good idea.

Jojo's Bubble

MoC in Stowe - a self portrait #2 in a series

PinF at beach

Yours Truly

CNN's picture PLUS

Happy New Year!


Banana Back


Valentines 2006

Key West bound